10/11 — kl 8.30-17.00

Plats: Scandic Ariadne, Stockholm

Anmäll dig: info@s-hsf.se

Alla deltagare får goodiebeg och lunch/kaffe

Elena Stackhovich (BY) – ”Beautiful eyes or basic rules in modeling the look.”
 Darja Striletskaja (UK) – “Secrets for success in competitions”.
 Irina Ronite (ES) – “Lash lift with Botox Lamination”.
 Nina Naukkarinen (FI)– Workshop “Puder Brows.”
 Inga Misiute (UK) – “Kily styl”
 Miranda Tarpey (UK) – ” the VOLUMETRIC CALCULATOR”. This is teaching lash makers how many multiple lashes they can use for different natural lashes.
 Nelly Soimina (KZ) – “Mega Volum. Creation of the covers for the gaps between eyelashes. ”
 Karin Ruus (SW) – ”Lashlift styling”
 Roea Jorat ( SW) – ”Microblading”.
 Jessica Lima (BR) – ”Marketing your Lash Business ( Start,Build & Grow) •What is Branding? •DYS Graphic Creation • Creating professional adverts ( instagram & facebook) •Facebook cover •The importance of collecting clients email.
 Francesca Nappi (IT) – “About complex eyes modeling”
 Alla Romazanova (BY) – “Volym i 3D brows. 2 in 1 tecknik.

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